Biblical Foundations of Literature Blog(redux)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The end, as it were, is near. As this is the case, I thought I'd say a few things by way of wrapping up. My style for once will be economical as opposed to rambling.

I enjoyed this course immensely. I've now read a larger portion of the Bible then I ever have(up to Ezra in the Old Testament, and Romans in the New Testament), and may even mangage to read it all at some point. I'm glad to haave read The Slave, and I know that I probably ought to read The Brothers Karamazov now, along with a great many things that were mentioned in class. I've been stimulated in many ways, and it has been good for me. I also know that I will never look at Oreo cookies the same way again.

Alright, I failed at not rambling, but it was relatively economical.

Thank you Mr. Sexson, Harold Bloom, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Jesus and everybody.